This article outlines some ways in which mutual understanding, communion, formation, exchanging experiences and apostolic commitment among the members of a local group can be made concrete.
For this purpose, the local Association organises:
Monthly meetings (open also to members of the Salesian Family and any others who wish to take part) for the purpose of doctrinal formation, prayer and celebration or adoration of the Eucharist, if possible on the 24th of the month, the day when Mary Help of Christians is commemorated;
The annual Marian day;
Participation in celebrations or meetings of the Salesian Family;
Spiritual Exercises for the members;
Processions, pilgrimages, days of retreat;
Other meetings programmed locally;
Also see art. 4.
The contents of art. 4 is also recalled, with the commemoration of the 24th of each month, the Holy Rosary, the novena in preparation for the feast of Mary Help of Christians, the blessing of Mary Help of Christians, collaboration in parish life.
It is important to specify a monthly schedule for formation and prayer meetings, through moments of fraternal communion, exchange of information, sharing of experiences and projects; meetings for growth in faith (catechesis, conferences, retreats, ...); Eucharistic-Marian prayer meetings with Holy Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and recitation of the Rosary.
The 24th of the month commemorates Mary Help of Christians and is a reminder to all groups to belong to the Association.
The annual practice of the Spiritual Retreat represents a strong moment of spiritual renewal for individual members and groups, encouraging prayer, listening to and meditation on the Word
Andrea and Maria Adele Damiani