Dear friends and Associates,
In our region of Europe, we are at the end of another academic year and we are preparing for the summer break, a time of rest and peace, peace of hearts and hopefully peace for our world that is shattered by war.
We hope and wish that you find time to relax and enjoy the peace in heart and inner life during these months. May we together rediscover the gift of the Word and of Prayer, relaunch and grow in humility and in charity, and renew our relationships with the focus on the "two pillars": Jesus and Mary, the two Risen Ones; the gifts of the Eucharist and the Rosary; the Sacraments of Communion and Confession.

We can find our inspirations in the words and invitation of St. Francis de Sales who reminds us of two very important inputs:
To go from the inside out: “I have never been able to approve the method of those who, in order to reform man, begin from the outside, from the appearances, the clothes, the hair. It seems to me, on the contrary, that one must begin from within, the heart, the source of actions. He who has Jesus in his heart, will show it immediately in all actions.”
“Go quietly with gentle diligence. Rushing and agitation are of no use. The desire for a spiritual life is good which, however, must be without undue restlessness. The healing that is done quietly is always the safest.”
Following St. Francis’ instructions, therefore, not just a summer but a whole year!
In this online issue of ADMA, you will find the presentation of the ADMA training itinerary which we will follow during the year 2022-2023, beginning from September with the first stage. It is a journey born from the desire which so many have communicated to us: that of growing in the life of faith and taking a step forward in the personal relationship with Jesus and Mary.
To all of you then, our best wishes for a peaceful summer.
Renato, Fr Alejandro and the whole council of the ADMA Primary in Valdocco