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In recent years the Church has devoted two Synods of Bishops to the family and to young people. Pope Francis observes:

The experience has made the participants in the Synod aware of the importance of a synodal form of the Church for the proclamation and transformation of the faith. The participation of young people has contributed to the ‘awakening’ of synodality, which is a constitutive dimension of the Church”.

The synodal dimension requires everyone to dedicate time to communication, humility in listening and courage in speaking, leaving prejudices and stereotypes behind in order to bring new hope to the world.

To be truly ecclesial and effective, the synodal journey of listening and discernment must always seek to be communal.

The unity of faith and charismatic belonging between the different states of life of consecrated persons, priests and laity, nourishes a circulation of gifts and prayer, a profound exchange which helps each one to find and consolidate his or her own identity.

This way of relating to one another contributes to a more ecclesial and communitarian dynamic in the Salesian spirit.

ADMA facilitates the assumption of responsibilities by the laity also in other ecclesial and social areas.

In a letter addressed to the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the Holy Father writes:

“Between consecrated and lay people a communion of life is established which helps and enriches the proper identity of each one, facilitating mutual recognition and appreciation and support, not only at the operational and functional level, but fraternal and spiritual, according to the respective specificity.”

The collaboration between the three states of life of the Church demands a change of pastoral mentality that has repercussions on all vocations: the laity are not only “collaborators”, but “co-responsible” for the being and work of the Church.

Andrea and Maria Adele Damiani


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