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Love Mary Help of Christians

31 gennaio 2023


On the 3rd May 1867 Don Bosco went to Caramagna, a village in Piedmont, for a talk on the Invention of the Holy Cross.

After lunch the courtyard of Monsignor Costamagna's house was crowded with people eager to receive the Servant of God's blessing. And slowly and with difficulty, among the throng that was arriving, a poor woman supported by two crutches approached. "What do you want my good woman?" asked Don Bosco, "Oh Don Bosco! Have pity on me: give me your blessing!" Don Bosco answered: "Wholeheartedly madam, but do you have faith in Our Lady?" "Yes, yes, a lot" answered the woman. "So pray to her and she will give you the grace" "Ah pray You who are a saint, ... I am not good at praying". "Well," said Don Bosco, "let us both pray. "Well, I will do as you tell me." "So kneel down!" . "Ah Don Bosco, I can't kneel down, my legs are dead"! "Never mind, kneel down".

And having removed the crutches from under the sick woman's legs, he tells her: "Come on, kneel down well, and recite with me three Hail Marys to the Virgin Mary Help of Christians".

The woman is on her knees, recites the Hail Marys, gets up without difficulty, all pain has disappeared.

The Venerable smiling, puts the crutches on her shoulders and says: "Go away my good woman", he tells her, "and always love Mary Help of Christians".

The crowd who had witnessed the miracle in perfect silence, holding their breath, burst into shouts of admiration.

Don Bosco, help us to believe that everything is possible with Mary!!!

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