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Primary ADMA

The first ADMA group was founded by Don Bosco in Turin at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, which is why our association has a strong and vital link with the Basilica!
Today this group (Primary ADMA) plays a role of animation for the entire association worldwide.
The Primary ADMA lives and shares with all the other groups in the world the charism, the spirit and the commitments of daily life that Don Bosco thought of for the whole association.

From Mary's house to our homes

From Mary's house to our homes

Our group is made up of many families, adults and young people who "take Mary into their homes".

Anchored to the two columns of the Eucharist and Mary, we walk together a path of Christian formation in the joys and complex situations of life.

Let us try, under the gaze of Jesus and Mary, to live every moment, even the most tiring ones, without losing hope and in mutual charity, where some pray for the other and help and solidarity become concrete gestures.

From Mary's house to our homes

A path for everyone

A simple proposal to follow freely and gradually, respecting everyone's rhythms.

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.

Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians

on the 24th of each month

Every 24th of the month we propose different moments in the day to revive our entrustment to Mary in the Eucharist with Adoration and the Rosary.


In the evening the families meet to pray together. The meeting lasts about an hour with a simple scheme: meditated Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration and Salesian Goodnight.


During the meeting there is the possibility of confession.

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.

Sspiritual exercises

Highlight of the year are the summer spiritual exercises in "family format". Days dedicated to reflection, prayer and being together, experiencing the joy of fraternity and friendship.

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.

Annual formative journey

Each year a theme is the guiding thread in our moments of formation. One Sunday a month we propose a day of retreat for adults and families to walk together in faith.

To allow families to participate peacefully, we offer a simple path of Christian formation and animation for children based on age.

There are also appointments for young people on a specific formative journey

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.

Families in the family

In the evening, once a month, several families meet together, the Rosary is said, life experiences are shared and dinner together. These moments also serve children because they foster their acquaintance and allow the emergence of true and beautiful friendships.

Un cammino per tutti

Our motto:
Entrust, confide and smile!

Il nostro motto

Entrust ...

  • Like Mary, we try to be docile to the Will of God

  • We want to recognize that our life is in bigger hands than ours

  • We put ourselves under its mantle and entrust ourselves in everyday life




  • With the fidelity of Mary at the foot of the cross

  • We also live with hope in the difficulties and trials of life

  • Because there is always a greater good that awaits us


You smile...


  • Like Mary we want to glorify the Lord every day

  • Witness the beauty of the Gospel with a smile and joy

  • Because there is a way to be happy despite the difficulties and trials of life.







Spirit of




  • Because in the family it is possible to love and to forgive yourself

  • Because in the family we take care of the other so that he feels truly loved




  • Because the family is the image of God

  • Because the family is the cradle of the human and spiritual formation of young people

  • Because prayer is what strengthens us and keeps us united and heals our wounds



  • Because you learn to be a family!

  • Because in the family in dialogue and confrontation we grow.

  • Because unreasonable love is not love.


Family of families

Educational Alliance


Sharing between states of life

I Giovani
Cesana Giovani.jpg

Young people and ADMA

  • They participate fully in the life and spirit of the association.

  • They have created training courses dedicated to children, with monthly appointments organized by age groups.

  • The meetings are animated by the greatest, accompanied by couples, priests and FMA,

  • They are included in the oratories of the communities to which they belong and in the activities proposed by the Salesian youth movement.

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