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Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel

16 luglio 2023


Devotion to Mary, Don Bosco teaches us, was already present in the early Church. On this page, the Apostle of Mary Help of Christians tells us about the birth of devotion to the Virgin of Mount Carmel:

«Since the days in which Mary still lived, there were already many devotees of her who gathered on Mount Carmel and there, living together in community, had dedicated themselves in all respects to Mary. Doesn’t mind the devoted reader that we report this fact as it is narrated in the office of S. Church under the day July 16th, feast of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel. On the sacred day of Pentecost, the Apostles having been filled with the Holy Spirit, being fervent faithful they had given themselves to follow the examples of the holy prophets Elijah and Elisha and the preaching of John the Baptist, ans had prepared themselves for the coming of the Messiah. After seeing the predictions they had heard of the great Precursor, they immediately embraced the evangelical faith. Then taken by special affection for the Blessed Virgin, while she was still living, they began to honor her so much that on Mount Carmelo, where Elijah had seen that little cloud ascend, which was an illustrious figure of Mary, they built a small sanctuary for the same Virgin. Gathering there every day with pious rites, prayers and praises, they venerated her as the singular protector of the Order. For that reason they began to call each other brothers of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel. Over time, the supreme pontiffs not only confirmed this title, but also granted special indulgences. Then Mary gave herself the denomination, granted her assistance to this institute, established a sacred scapular uniform for them ad she gave the uniform to the English Blessed man Simon Stok, so that with this celestial habit that sacred order could be distinguished and those who will wear it would be protected from all evil».

Taken from: Marvels of the Mother of God invoked under the title of Mary Help of Christians. Collected by the Priest Giovanni Bosco - 1868

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