In evidence
Remember, O most pious Virgin Mary, that has never been heard
that someone has resorted to your protection, has begged for your patronage and
asked for your help, and remained abandoned.
Sustained by this trust, I turn to you, Mother, Virgin of virgins.
I come to you, with tears in my eyes, guilty of so many sins,
I bow at your feet and ask for mercy.
Do not despise my plea, O Mother of the Word,
But kind hear me and hear me. Amen.
Solidarity Campaign

ADMA has created a fund to support families who struggle more in everyday life. In this we promote the collection of contributions to the fund in order to activate support initiatives.
You can make your offer by transferring even a small amount to your account
ADMA - IBAN IT16 V030 6909 6061 0000 0130 575
indicating in the reason for the Contribution from the Family Fund.
Alternatively, you can donate with PayPal by clicking on the "Donate" button.

Our Mother House - the center from which grace is poured out and reaches us, our families and our small house churches - due to Covid is in great difficulty in coping with ordinary expenses. Grateful for the good received, we want to make our contribution as an association, to overcome this difficult moment.
You can make your offer by transferring even a small amount to your account
ADMA - IBAN IT16 V030 6909 6061 0000 0130 575
indicating Basilica Support in the reason for payment.
Alternatively, you can donate with PayPal by clicking on the "Donate" button.