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Miracle at Montemagno

14 agosto 2022


In Don Bosco's dream, Jesus and Mary take him by the hand. He will never let go of that hand. So the extraordinary will blossom into the ordinary, because this is true faith. We could say: 'Where Don Bosco is, there is Mary. A concrete presence. He almost never said: 'I will do this or that', but 'Our Lady will do this and this'.

Among the many episodes, that of Montemagno d'Asti, where Don Bosco had the surprise of Mary's assistance. The saint had gone to preach a triduum for the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where a bronze sky denied rain to the parched countryside.

On the first evening that he went up to the pulpit he made this promise: "If you come to the sermons during these three days, if you reconcile yourselves with God through a good confession, if you all prepare yourselves so that on the feast day there will be a general Communion, I promise you, in the name of Our Lady, that an abundant rain will come to refresh your countryside". The people were so convinced that they did as Don Bosco had said. From the early hours of the morning until late at night, the confessionals were besieged. During the triduum, the sky continued to be on fire. On the day of the Assumption there was such a large Communion, the likes of which had not been seen for a long time; but even that morning the sky was serene. What if Our Lady had not granted the grace?

Then Don Bosco called the sacristan and told him: "go behind the Baron's castle to see how the weather is and if there is any sign of rain". The sacristan reported to Don Bosco: "It's as clear as a mirror". When he had finished the Magnificat, Don Bosco slowly ascended the pulpit, saying in his heart to Our Lady: "It is not my honour, which is in danger at this moment, but yours. What will they say of your name, if they see their hopes dashed?" A huge multitude keeps their eyes fixed on him. Saying the Ave, it seems that the sunlight has dimmed slightly. After a few moments, the prolonged sound of thunder is heard. A murmur of joy runs through the church. The saint pauses for a moment, and a rain shower, continuous and downpouring, beats on the stained glass windows. The rain was pouring down, and no one had brought an umbrella!

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