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First of all, kindly tell us briefly about yourself.

I am Fr. Peter Mugo, coming from Kenya, East Africa.

Tell us something about your experience of life and faith?

I am a Salesian priest, perpetually professed 27 years ago.

How long have you been an animator of the Association?

I have been an animator of the Association for 10 months.

What about your Salesian ministry till now?

I have been involved in various apostolates as a Salesian: Association of the Sacred Heart (Maridi - South Sudan), Altar boys (Maridi South Sudan), Minor Seminarians (Mafinga, Tanzania).

And now to ADMA.....

What about the situation of the Association in your Province/Region?

In my AFE Province (East Africa), the Association has been formed in Nzaikoni thanks to the initiative of my predecessor Fr. Paul Luseno with the blessing of Fr. Simon Asira (the Provincial).

Kindly tell us about the number of local groups and members?

There are seven local groups:

Nzaikoni - 47 members

Mithanga - 18 members

Kathiani - 44 members

Muthala - 27 members

Kaalini - 71 members

Kithunguini - 17 members

Kikawani - 18 members

Total 242 minus one, Kathiani, who died.

Those who are in Formation:

Kikunuani - 13

Kauti - 15

Nzaikoni - 7

Mithanga - 5

Kathiani - 3

Kikawani - 4

Katulya - 5

Muthala - 2

How is the Association organised at provincial and local level?

The association in our province is managed by our provincial office.

Can you tell us about your life and your involvement in the Association?

The Association is growing with monthly courses on Mariology and in particular on Mary Help of Christians.

How do you maintain your relationship with other groups in the Salesian family?

The Association is also growing by encouraging members and the entire parish to reflect on and celebrate the various feasts of our blessed Mother and to go on pilgrimage to the shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Nairobi, Don Bosco Upper hill.

Thinking of the future, what ideas and plans do you have to preserve the faith among the people and promote love for Jesus in the Eucharist and entrustment to Mary?

We would like to promote the love for Jesus in the Eucharist and the entrustment to Mary, to frequently make the Stations of the Cross as ADMA groups, families and faithful, to organise seminars, pilgrimages to Maria shrines, retreats on the feasts of Mary (Nativity, Assumption of Mary etc).

And what would you do for young people?

This is the responsibility of the Youth Ministry department with whom we collaborate.

What would be your suggestion to the ADMA Primary for carrying out its work of animation worldwide and increase sharing and dialogue among the groups?

We propose to create opportunities for the meeting of various groups


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