“Admission of a candidate to the Association is approved by the President and Council. It will be preceded by a sufficient period of preparation, not less than a year, with meetings at least once a month. The candidate expresses adherence to the Association during a celebration in honour of Mary Help of Christians, and will receive a certificate, a copy of the Statutes and a membership badge.“

As we have already seen, the Association lives on the commitment, involvement and participation of each member.
Each local group must take particular care in accompanying those who express the desire and the will to participate in ADMA. The adhesion of new members, in fact, is an expression of the vitality of the Association and a response to the continuous graces of Mary Help of Christians.
The process of preparation must be lived with intensity and fidelity, in order to get to know the spirit of the Association also through the deepening of the study of the Regulations.
The admission by the President with his Council is very important and requires a serious evaluation of the candidates interested in joining the Association.
The event of joining ADMA takes place during a celebration in honour of Mary Help of Christians to make visible the intention to put one's life at the service of one's brothers and sisters.
People living in territories where there is no group should join the nearest group or the Primary ADMA in Turin.
The local Association must take care of the ongoing formation of members through activities in accordance with the Rules and in communion with the Provincial Council and the Primary ADMA.
Each member is invited to contribute with donations in a spirit of generous charity, with particular attention to the needs of the whole Association.
Andrea and Maria Adele Damiani