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The Association of Mary Help of Christians is inseparably linked to the Shrine of Turin-Valdocco. Our Lady, in fact, not only intervened in the construction of the Basilica but also extended her patronage from there all over the world. According to Don Bosco's testimony:

"It is Mary who built her own house. Hic domus mea, inde gloria mea".

From this blessed place, she still spreads the light of her grace and her effective intercession.

The ADMA is therefore called to keep itself united to this sacred place: the link between the Association and the Shrine is fundamental. It is in fact the only group of the Salesian Family which has its historical and organisational headquarters in Turin at the Shrine of Valdocco because of the special bond with the Basilica.

The Primary ADMA is called in a special way to take care of and make visible this spiritual and historical link. As we will examine in more detail in article 15, the Primary ADMA plays the role of animating, uniting and keeping the Association worldwide informed.

Each local Association, therefore, cultivates a special communion of dialogue and solidarity with the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Turin - Valdocco and with the Primary ADMA; the latter will propose all those means that facilitate such communion.

The relationship between the local groups with the Basilica and the Primary ADMA is characterised by a spiritual bond which is shared and expressed through contacts, visits, different forms of communication and information, and concrete gestures of solidarity. It is fundamental to maintain and cultivate this relationship on the part of every group and every provincial and national coordination body.

Andrea e Maria Adele Damiani

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