On 27th February 2022 at Maria Bhavan - Bableshwar (India - Mumbai), 13 members of the ADMA of their Unit made their Promise.
They were very well prepared for this great occasion by Sr. Anita Gracias, their local Spiritual Animator. Fr. Richard D'Silva, Rector and Parish Priest of Don Bosco Church, Savedi-Ahmednagar, celebrated the Eucharist making it very meaningful and inspiring with his powerful homily on Don Bosco's dream of the Two Pillars.
These simple ladies from a rural background were overwhelmed with deep joy when they took the Promise and received their badges. They expressed their feelings of gratitude to the Sisters of the Community and to Sr. Catherine Fernandes, Spiritual Animator of the ADMA, for this unique blessing which the good Lord has given them, to be Devotees of Mary Help of Christians.
The new members were warmly welcomed into the Salesian Family.