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In pilgrimage towards heaven

St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, in his “Treatise on True Devotion”, writes that Mary’s special mediation in the lives of her children is possible because she, of all creatures, is the one most ‘conformed’ to Jesus Christ, that is, the one most like Him and closest to Him.

To be true devotees, it is important to renew one’s baptismal promises which entail the renunciation of evil and sin and total adherence to Christ.

In all this, let us love Mary and let us be loved by her who guides every step of ours to lead us to Jesus her loving Son.

A further passage of the Rector Major states: “Mary is Mother and Teacher and she supports us, so that we can ‘fly’ on the path of holiness.

It is a simple call, accessible to all, which distinguishes the popular dimension of our Association. However, it is proposed to us to live the ‘true devotion’, an exchange of love with Mary which enhances our relationship with God and with our neighbour.

ADMA members are invited to bring this gift to all the environments in which they work, living their Christian vocation with intensity.

Don Bosco comes to our aid, as Fr. Pietro Brocardo recalls:

“Don Bosco, a saint full of God, is at the same time a saint full of Mary. His whole life, in fact, revolves, after God and in dependence on God, around the Virgin”.

n Don Bosco’s experience, love for Mary and love for the Eucharist always go together. They are the two pillars that support the life and mission of the Church.

The ‘devotees’ of Mary Help of Christians, in the same way, are invited to be protagonists of the Eucharistic celebration, offering their own lives, joys and labours, so that communion may grow in the family, in the working environment and in the ecclesial communities.

Mary is a teacher of wisdom. She is a prophet and she is also a concrete woman of the people, active and made wise by the experiences of everyday life.

The figure of Mamma Margaret is very reminiscent of Don Bosco’s Marian imagery and reminds us once again that the ‘devotees’ of Mary Help of Christians must be prophets in their lives and courageous witnesses capable of accompanying others.

Fr. Ángel concludes this chapter by presenting us with the beautiful painting of Mary Help of Christians in the basilica of Valdocco, where Mary is portrayed majestically, surrounded by the heavenly court, with the crown on her head and the sceptre in her hand: a powerful Queen in the fight against evil.

Mary intervenes in our lives and even in the most difficult moments, keeps our light of hope burning.

Andrea e Maria Adele Damiani


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