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Leaven of Fraternity

Dear friends of ADMA,

We are now in the second month of this year 2023. We have lived intensely the feast of St. Francis de Sales at the conclusion of the 400th anniversary of his birth, the feast of our father St. John Bosco, and now we are preparing to live the time of Lent: a time of reflection, desert and preparation for that event, for that promise that transformed our existence forever: the resurrection of Jesus.

And just thinking about Lent, the invitation is to use this time to make the words of the strenna resound again so that they do not remain an isolated invitation but enter deeply, accompany our journey and become food to nourish our small daily resurrections.

It would be good to reflect at this time on the need to be in the world, with one another, that small amount, sometimes imperceptible as dust, that seems to be uselessly lost in something too vast. Yet, it is never useless rather it is alive and has the capacity to move and act in a mysterious and silent way.

Just like the kingdom of God which, as scripture says, “...comes not in such a way as to attract attention, and no one will say, Here it is or there it is. For, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Lk17:20-21)

To be small but to know how to give life, to fertilize, to ferment, to be a leaven. We could ask in prayer, all together, for the grace and courage to take on this attitude.

In this Lent, let us take up our commitment as an Association to live out the essential conditions for the miracle of the leaven of the Kingdom of God to happen again:

  1. To have the humility to recognise that ‘being a leaven’ is first and foremost a gift to ask for. We are not leaven by ourselves but only if the Holy Spirit makes us so;

  2. To remember that leaven is like a dust made of a thousand grains or like a soft dough capable of crumbling. We will never be leaven by ourselves, except by being together, collaborating and cooperating in a co-responsible way so that peace may return, poverty diminish and creation be respected;

  3. Knowing that if leaven remains leaven, it goes bad; for, this not to happen, leaven mixes with flour. Only by having the courage to relate to people without preconceptions and preclusions, aware of the problems that afflict humanity, will we be fragrant and broken bread;

  4. Finally, knowing that the best bread requires the time of waiting and the delicacy of rest. Let us be docile and serene in always leaving our activities, our efforts, our intentions to the Lord; knowing how to wait like Mary, without losing hope, cherishing joy, reading beauty and accepting to see the flour rise according to God’s timing.

Happy journey as we await the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

Renato Valera, ADMA Valdocco President.

Alejandro Guevara, Spiritual Animator, ADMA Valdocco.


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