“Do not think that the Lord is further away from you while you dedicate yourself to the matters to which your vocation commits you than if you were among the delights of a peaceful life. No, it is not the external tranquility that brings him closer to our hearts, but the fidelity of our love; not the feeling we have of his sweetness, but the consent we give to his holy will. Our Lord loves with particular tenderness those who are happy to abandon themselves totally to his paternal solicitude, letting themselves be governed by his divine providence and doing together with great attention all that is his will. Very sure that nothing could be taken away from them from that paternal heart full of love and that He will not allow anything to happen from which he does not make them benefit, as long as they have put all their trust in Him.”
(from Theotimus - Treatise on the Love of God, St. Francis de Sales)
Let's pray: Teach us Mary to place all our trust in God and to open our hearts to Him.