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Prepared by Visitatoin Monasteryof Moncalieri


In the first Joyful mystery, let us contemplate on the Annunctiatoin of the Angel to Maria

From the Gospel according to Luke (cf. 1:26-37)

The angel said to Mary, "Fear not, you have found favour with God. Behold, thou shalt conceive a son, and shalt call his name Jesus..." Then Mary said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to thy word."

For meditation

Mary submitted herself to God without setting any conditions. She surrendered herself totally to God's will without reserving anything for herself. Because of this perfect obedience, an expression of humility and the greatest love, she was able to receive the eternal Word of the Father into her womb.


Jesus, made man for us, grant us to welcome you into our hearts and our lives with the same faith as Mary. To Thee be glory and love for ever and ever. Amen.

In the second Joyful mystery, we contemplate Mary's visit to St. Elizabeth

From the Gospel according to Luke (cf. 1:39-56)

After receiving the angel's announcement, Mary rose and went in haste to a town in Judea, entered the house of Zechariah, and greeted Elizabeth.

For meditation

Mary went in haste to Elizabeth moved by humility and charity. For charity is never idle and generates energy and work in the hearts in which it dwells. Now, the Blessed Virgin was not only filled with love, but carrying in her womb the One who is all Love, had herself become love. Mary lived in continuous acts of love not only towards God but also towards her neighbour whose salvation and every blessing she longed for.


Jesus, our salvation and source of joy, grant us to be docile to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and be available to take you to our brothers and sisters. To Thee be glory and love for ever. Amen.

In the third mystery of joy we contemplate the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem

From the Gospel according to Luke (cf. Lk 2:1-21)

"While they were in Bethlehem, the days of childbirth were fulfilled for Mary. She gave birth to her first-born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger... The angel said to the shepherds: I announce to you a great joy that will be for all the people: today is born to you a Saviour, Christ the Lord."

For meditation

God has joined himself to us with a union that surpasses all our understanding, indissoluble and infinite. He has entered into us wholly, and has, as it were, fused his greatness to mould it to the form of our littleness. He, who from eternity was God, will now also be man for eternity. And why would He take on this sweet and lovable condition of a little child if not to arouse in us a love filled with trust and a reliance on Him filled with love? God has lowered himself; those who lower themselves will see him more closely.


Jesus, born for us, grant us to adore Thee and to entrust ourselves to Thee, our only Saviour. To Thee be glory and love for ever and ever. Amen.

In the fourth Joyful mystery, we contemplate Jesus presented in the temple

From the Gospel according to Luke (cf. 2:22-35)

When the days of their purification were fulfilled, Joseph and Mary brought the child Jesus to the temple to offer him to the Lord according to the law... Simeon received him into his arms and blessed God.

For meditation

Jesus is brought to the temple to be offered to his Father as a perfect sacrifice in a sublime act of humility and obedience. Happy are those who have learned to offer themselves and all their actions to God in union with the Saviour! Simeon welcomes him into his arms. Let us also welcome him: on our lips to proclaim him to the world, in our arms to do good, on our shoulders to bear his yoke.


Jesus, offered to the Father, grant us, like Mary, to unite our lives to your sacrifice for the salvation of the world. To Thee be glory and love for ever and ever. Amen.

In the fifth Joyful mystery, we contemplate Jesus found in the temple

From the Gospel according to Luke (cf. 2:41-52)

Jesus' parents, not having found Him in the congregation, returned to Jerusalem in search of Him... They found Him in the temple sitting among the teachers... His mother kept all these things in her heart.

For meditation

Mary and Joseph could not stop among relatives and friends, but in their grief they continued to seek the one object of their love and could not rest until they had found it. So, those who truly love God do not tire of seeking Him and His most holy will, and, without stopping at creatures or the satisfaction they can offer, are not satisfied until they have joined themselves to Him.


Jesus, found in the temple, grant that we may always seek Thee, true Wisdom. To Thee be glory and love for ever and ever. Amen.


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