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Dear ADMA devotees

from all over the world, a fraternal greeting from the Council and from all the Primary ADMA of Valdocco. With we have never seen many of you personally, but we feel close and we feel a strong desire to know and meet you.

Distances and circumstances sometimes do not allow us a personal embrace, but we all feel close in a common embrace under Mary’s mantle. As you know, a new Primary Council has been elected in the past few months and we are now in the process of defining and implementing the programme for the next four years. One of the initiatives that, as a Council, we have the desire to carry out specifically concerns you, the ADMA groups around the world. In this regard, a councillor was appointed and a team set up with the specific mandate of: " Understanding how to carry out the role of world animation entrusted to Primary ADMA with greater intensity, continuity and strength. Begin to get to know the various realities of the world together with the animator - at the provincial/national level - and undertake forms of dialogue and sharing to help us better understand the role of world animation that we must play and what are the main expectations and needs that the local realities express and hope to be satisfied by our animation." How can we do this? A first need is obviously to know who we are, where we are, how many we are ... Over the years, also through the great job done by the world animators and the secretariats, we have collected and recorded various information on the various groups in the world. However the richness and number of fruits that constantly blossom from Don Bosco's holiness never cease to amaze us. How many ADMA groups are there in the world? Where am I? We often become aware of new groups and initiatives that still amaze and move us. We thought of asking for your help and taking advantage of the availability of your representatives, presidents, SDB and FMA animators, etc. Write to us! We have opened a contact channel via email or through the site. We will certainly be happy to answer you, correct and complete the data etc. Over time, the groups' registry and our map will become more and more complete, correct and useful. A sincere thanks in advance for your friendship and for your contribution. In prayer we entrust all of us and our projects into the hands of the Help of Christians, let her lead and support them. A warm greeting The adviser for world animation Giovanni Scavino with the whole team


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