Dear friends of the ADMA,
We know that Don Bosco was ordained a priest in the Church of the Archbishopric of Turin by Monsignor Fransoni on 5th June 1841. A few months later, on 3rd November to be precise, he arrived in Turin to take up his residence at the Ecclesiastical Convent and continue his formation as an educator-pastor. This recommendation had been suggested to him by his spiritual director, St Joseph Caffaso.
A few metres from this residence was a Marian shrine with the title of 'Consoler and Protectress of the city of Turin', as the banner on the entrance door reads. It is considered the most important shrine in the city and is known as 'La Consolata'. As well as being a masterpiece of Piedmontese Baroque, where artists of the calibre of Guarino Guarini, Filippo Juvarra and Carlo Ceppi worked, and having the title of minor basilica, it is of interest to us because of its connection to the Salesian history since its origin.
As a young priest, Don Bosco frequented this shrine and celebrated his second mass here on 7th June 1841. In 1846, after passing through various places, he arrived at Valdocco. In the Pinardi chapel, the first image of Mary to occupy this chapel was that of 'the Consolata', bought by Don Bosco for 27 lire.
Don Bosco took the Oratory boys to this shrine in Turin to receive the sacraments, pray and sing in some religious services. When, in July 1846, Don Bosco fell seriously ill, the Oratory boys took turns from morning to night to pray for his recovery before 'the Consolata'. Don Bosco recovered and the doctors told him: "Go and thank the Consolata that everything went well."
We also remember that on the night of 25th November 1856, around three o'clock in the morning, Mamma Margaret was received into the arms of the Eternal Father. Joseph, Don Bosco's brother, went to his room and the two embraced and cried. Two hours later, Don Bosco called Giuseppe Buzzetti. He was his friend in the most difficult moments, the only one before whom he was not ashamed to be seen weeping. He went to celebrate mass for his mother in the crypt of the Consolata Sanctuary. At the end of the service, they both knelt before the image of the Virgin, and Don Bosco sobbed and prayed: “Now my children and I are left without a mother on earth. Stay by our side, be our mother.“ This is the Consolata.
Every 20th June, the city of Turin is decorated to thank God for Mary's protection and consolation. Don Bosco was able to embrace Turin's Marian sensitivity with its popular manifestations and expressions. We, devotees, friends, children of Mary, are invited to know, love and spread Marian devotions locally, following the guidelines that the Church has given us in its rich Magisterium, indicating four guidelines for an adequate devotion to the Virgin Mary: biblical, liturgical, ecumenical and anthropological (MC 29 ff).
In the coming months, the Mother of God will be celebrated in many places with different titles, invocations and manifestations. As Don Bosco loved Mary in Castelnuovo, Chieri, Turin..., we too, as her children, are invited to love Mary, Immaculate, Help of Christians and also Consolata.
Renato Valera, ADMA Valdocco President.
Alejandro Guevara, Spiritual Animator ADMA Valdocco.